Sunday 12 August 2007

Sweet Malt Chicken Strips

Ingredients: (serves 3-4)
350g Chicken Breast Fillet
2 tbsp Maltose (melt before mixed)
2 tsp Lemon Juice
2 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp Soy Bean Paste
2 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Dark Soy Sauce
1 tsp Light Soy Sauce
1 Cucumber (finely sliced) (about 75-100g)
1 Carrot (finely sliced) (about 75-100g)
1/2 cup Oil for frying

1. Cut the chicken breast fillet lenghtwise into about 1cm thick stirps.
2. Marinade the chicken with maltose, light and dark soy sauce, soy bean paste, 1 tsp sugar and 1 tsp pepper. Leave aside for at least one hour.
3. In a bowl, mix carrot and cucumber, stir in lemon juice, salt and the remaining of sugar and pepper. Keep in refrigerator.
4. In a wok, heat oil, parboil chicken in oil until they turn rick brown. Leave on serviette for a few minutes. Then fry again in oil on high heat for 1 or two minutes. Remove from oil, soak remaining oil off chicken with serviette.
5. Arrange hot chicken strips on top of cold salad. Sprinklt with some toasted sesame. Done.

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