Monday, 24 December 2007

and I sang "The GingerBread Man"...

Jingle Bells...
Jingle Bells...
Jingle all the way...

Sounds familiar? Everyone is aware that Christmas is just around the corner! The food programmes on the television channels have been vigorously promoting the season celebration by preparing all those really beautiful, attractive, good! Initially I was thinking "ok, there are and will be all good, I am just going to watch and learn." However, I just could not help myself anymore when I saw Nigella making her Gingerbread Man using this simple recipe. Hence I decided to make a version of mine, hopefully everyone likes it, this can be prepared a few days before Christmas itself (like I did), hence it would just be nice for those so-called busy people. Try it out and enjoy!

First of all, beat 3 cups of flour, 1/4 tsp of salt, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 1/2 tbsp ginger powder, 1 tbsp cinnamon powder, 1/4 ground nutmeg, 1/4 ground cloves, 3/4 cup of brown sugar and 3/5 cup (150g) of unsalted butter (melted) in an electric mixer... In another bowl, beat 1 egg and and 2 tbsp of raw honey until nice and fluffy. Add to the mixture in the electric mixer bowl, use a wooden spatula if necessary, as the mixture might turn quite lumpy and tough....

Refrigerate the pastry mixture for at least an hour... After that, remove from the fridge, cut some of the pastry and roll out the pastry to about 1/8 inch thick. Use desired mould or cookie cutter to form the gingerbread cookies...

Starry Starry Christmas...everyones' wish? Hahaha I have to clarify, it is not a sign of dizziness! lol

Place on an oiled tray and bake in preheated oven for 8-10 minutes at 180 degrees, or until the cookies turn dark brown...

Check out the gingerbread man, I carved them out myself using a knife, thanks to the fact that I could not find any gingerbread man mould. lol

See how much I managed to make out of the recipe! It makes up to 3 dozen of cookies depending on the size of the moulds being used...

After leaving the cookies to cool, feel free to decorate them with desired icing, go wild on it, use different colours and even glossy pearls if you want, they will definitely look nice being hung on christmas trees! XD

Leave the cookies to cool again on trays after applying the icing, this allows the icing to cool down and harden... Check out my smiley gingerbread man. May everyone have a Merry Merry Christmas... =)

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