Sunday, 22 April 2007

Here we start!

It's been more than two months since I set foot in Sydney, and gosh I don't miss home as much! That sounds bad in a way, but I reckon it's probably so as I've got all my memories of my family and my mom with me in my cooking skills! HAHA. Anyway, Thanks a lot mom for nurturing me with all the cooking skills and tips all the while. Armed with that alone, is more than enough for me to think of my family every time I cook something, which is mostly learned from dear mom.

But put that aside, the best way of not feeling homesick, is thanks to all my mates, Haha, sounding like Thank you all for always being there, accompanying me along the way enduring the hard times. For that, I can only show my gratitude by posting some recipes that I hope you guys will find time to look at, and maybe get your hands on making them!

Anyway, this is just my first post, so I was thinking of not really putting up any recipes first, take it easy. I would however, just like to share some photos of some food that I made some time back, but it's all done after I have arrived in Sydney... I've got to admit, culinary art is really very similar to architecture to certain extent, if you put enough passion into it, simple things can be very beautiful...

Apparently, it is not that difficult at all, I took these pictures after I prepared them. Their basically easily available food, i.e. wedges, sausages, tomatoes, lettuce, pasta, baked bread etc. All basic stuff but with a little touch up at the end of preparation, ah, how good is it if architecture was this straight forward and easy. Haha. Anyway, that would be all for now, just wanted to share some things. Untll the next time...

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