Ingredients: 1kg baby cucumbers, 600g small aubergines, 3 tbsp malt, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp toasted black sesame, 1 tbsp toated chili flakes, salt and pepper to taste.
Method: First of all, coarsely chop the baby cucumbers and aubergines. Coat the aubergines with sesame oil and roast in an oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Melt the malt in a steamer. Remove the aubergine from oven and well with the chopped babay cucumbers. Toss well with malt, black sesame and chili flakes. Seson with pepper and salt to taste, try some lime juice as well if desired. Serve hot or warm when the sesame oil-roasted-aubergine are still fragrant after being roasted in the oven.
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